Postgraduate Course in Periprocedural Echocardiography 2024

Thu 23.05 – Sat 25.05.2024

City: London, UK

Type of event: on site


Dear Doctor

It is a real pleasure to announce the Postgraduate Course in Periprocedural Echocardiography to be held in London, date tbd, conceived by Zurich Heart House – London Heart House and the Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals.

The management of valvular heart disease has gone through a revolution since the introduction of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), and now includes transcatheter edge-to-edge repair of the mitral and, more recently, the tricuspid valve, as well as transcatheter mitral and tricuspid valve replacement procedures. All these interventions are heavily dependent on imaging modalities, both for diagnosis, indications, and periprocedural monitoring and guidance. This is particularly true for edge-to-edge repair of the mitral and tricuspid valves, but also for structural interventions such as the occlusion of paravalvular leaks, and closure of a patent foramen ovale or the left atrial appendage.

This impressive development in structural interventions for patients with valvular heart disease and other structural conditions has transformed imaging, particularly echocardiography. Indeed, such procedures require a new professional profile of specialized imagers with appropriate training and experience.

The 3-day Postgraduate Course in Periprocedural Echocardiography will address this unmet clinical need. It will involve state-of-the art lectures, interactive case presentations, and hands-on features for participants interested in imaging and valvular heart disease. The course offers a unique opportunity to become an expert in the area of periprocedural echocardiography.

We are looking forward to receiving your application and meeting you in London.

Your sincerely,

Thomas F. Lüscher
Ali Vazir
Alison Duncan

Scientific Programme

Day 1, May 23rd, 2024 (UK time)

Venue: The Royal Brompton Hospital

08:30 | Coffee and Registration
09:00Introduction: Imaging in structural
Ali Vazir, London, UK
and Thomas F. Lüscher,
London UK
09:20Valvular heart disease and the rise of
trans-catheter valve procedures
Andreas Baumbach,
London, Uk
09:40Panel discussion 
10:00 | Mitral Valve – 1
Chairs: Ali Vazir, London UK and Thomas F. Lüscher, London, UK
10:00Transthoracic echocardiographic
assessment for mitral valve disease-
What do the valve guidelines recommend?
When to consider MV intervention
Jeroen J. Bax, Leiden,
The Netherlands
10:20Transoesophageal echocardiographic
assessment of mitral valve regurgitation-
special considerations for TEER and TMVR
Alison Duncan, London, UK 
10:40Panel discussion 
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee Break 
11:30 | Mitral Valve – 2
Chairs: Jeroen J. Bax, Leiden, The Netherlands and tbd
11:30Transoesophageal echocardiography
step-by-step procedural guidance for
mitral valve transcatheter edge-to-edge
repair (TEER)
Michel Zuber,
Othmarsingen, Switzerland
11:50Transoesophageal echocardiography
step-by-step procedural guidance for
mitral valve transcatheter mitral valvel
replacement (TMVR)
Alison Duncan,
London, UK
12:10Transoesophageal echocardiographic
assessment of mitral valve stenosis –
considerations for balloon valvuloplasty
The 2021 ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the
management of valvular heart disease
Ali Vazir, London, UK 
12:30Panel discussion 
13:30 – 14:00 | Lunch Break
14:00 | Live in-a-box Mitral cases
Chairs: Jonathan Byrne, London, UK and Ali Vazir, London, UK
14:00Mitral TEERTiffany Patterson, London, UK 
14:20Panel discussion 
14:30Mitral TMVRCesare Quarto, London, UK 
14:50Panel discussion 
15:00Mitral ValvuloplastyRobert Smith, London, UK 
15:20Panel discussion 
15:30 | Atrial Septal Defects
Chairs: Michael Rigby, London, UK and Alain Fraisse, London, UK
15:30Patent foramen ovale (PFO) and inter
-atrial septal defects – conservative
management, surgical or transcatheter
Michael Rigby,
London, UK
15:50Transthoracic and transoesophageal
echocardiographic assessment of inter
-atrial septal pathologies – consideration
for transcatheter closure device
Wei Li,
London, UK
16:10Panel discussion 
16:30 – 17:00 | Coffee Break
17:00 | Pulmonary Valve
Chairs: Michael Rigby, London, UK and Isma Rafiq, London, UK
17:00Transthoracic and transoesophageal
echocardiographic assessment and step-
by-step guidance for pulmonary artery
valve implantation (PAVI)
Wei Li, London 
17:20Transcatheter pulmonary valve interventionsAlain Fraisse,
London, UK
17:40Panel discussion 
End of day 1

Day 2, May 24th, 2024
09:00 | Tricuspid Valve – 1
Chairs: Michel Zuber, Othmarsingen, Switzerland and Robert Smith, London, UK
09:00Transthoracic echocardiographic
assessment of tricuspid valve disease –
severity and mechanism
Victoria Delgado,
Barcelona, Spain
09:20Transthoracic echocardiographic
assessment of the right ventricle – using
3D imaging and strain analysis
Julia Grapsa, London, UK 
09:40Transoesophageal echocardiographic
assessment of tricuspid valve disease for
TV interventions – case selection for
tricuspid TEER versus TTVR
Alison Duncan, London 
10:00Surgical and transcatheter intervention
for tricuspid valve disease – update
Francesco Maisano,
Milano, Italy
10:20Panel discussion 
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee Break
11:30 | Tricuspid Valve – 2
Chairs: Alison Duncan, London and Francesco Maisano, Milano, Italy
11:30Transoesophageal echocardiography
step-by-step procedural guidance for
tricuspid valve TEER
Ali Vazir, London 
11:50Transoesophageal echocardiography
step-by-step procedural guidance for
Jim Newton, Oxford, UK 
12:10Transoesophageal echocardiography
multi-planar guidance for tricuspid
valve TEER
Alexandros Papachristidis,
London, UK
12:30Panel discussion 
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch break
14:00 | Live in-a-box Tricuspid cases
Chairs: Francesco Maisano, Milano, Italy and Sam Dawkins, Oxford
14:00Tricuspid TEEREe Ling Heng, London, UK 
14:20Panel discussion 
14:30Tricuspid TEER- Complex diseaseRobert Smith, London, UK 
14:50Panel discussion 
15:00Tricuspid TMVRFrancesco Maisano, Milano, Italy 
15:00Panel discussion 
15:30 | Aortic Valve
Chairs: Andreas Baumbach, London, UK and Mario Petrou, London, UK
15:30Transthoracic echocardiographic
assessment of aortic valve stenosis
The 2021 ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the
management of valvular heart disease
Rajdeep Khattar,
London UK
15:50Transthoracic echocardiographic
assessment of aortic regurgitation
severity and mechanism
Madelina Garbi,
Cambridge, UK
16:10Transoesophageal echocardiography
assessment of aortic valve – step by
step assessment for surgery or TAVI
Aigul Baltabaeva,
London, UK
16:30Transoesophageal assessment for
surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR)
– what and how to assess?
TC Aw, London, UK 
16:50Panel discussion 
17:15 – 17:45 | Coffee break
17:45 | Aorta
Chairs: Victoria Delgado, Barcelona, Spain and tbd
17:45Surgical and transcatheter interventions
for aortic dissection
From the 2014 ESC Guidelines on the
diagnosis and treatment of aortic diseases
to current practice and beyond
Christoph Nienaber,
London, UK
18:05Role of periprocedural
transoesophageal echocardiography
for transcatheter closure of
paravalvular leaks
Mehdi Eskandari,
London, UK
18:25 | Left Atrial Appendage
Chairs: Iqbal Malik, London, UK and Mehdi Eskandari, London, UK
18:25Left atrial occlusion: Patient selection
and indications
The 2020 ESC Guidelines for the
diagnosis and management of atrial
fibrillation and beyond
Mehdi Eskandari, London UK 
18:45Transoesophageal echocardiographic
assessment of left atrial appendage –
is there thrombus? Suitable for DC
Cardioversion? Suitable anatomy for
occlusion devices?
Ali Vazir, London, UK 
19:05Panel discussion 
End of Day 2

Day 3, May 25th, 2024
09:00 | Periprocedural Imaging for Circulatory Support
Chairs: Simon Davies, London, UK and Fernando Riesgo Gil, London, UK
09:00Indications for extracorporeal circulatory
support (ECMO and Impella) in cardiogenic
shock – importance of echocardiography
The ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of acute and chronic heart
failure and accumulated evidence since
09:30 – 11:00 | Echocardiography (TTE and TEE) for circulatory and respiratory support devices:
Case-based Seminars:
What to look for and report on for each device when on ICU? (15 minutes talk per device)
VA – ECMOSimon Davies, London, UK 
VV – ECMOtbd 
ImpellaFrancesca Fiorelli, London, UK 
Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)Francesca Fiorelli, London, UK 
Central circuitsHatem Soliman Aboumarie, London, UK 
Long-term VADsHatem Soliman Aboumarie, London, UK 
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee Break 
11:30 – 13:00 | Hands on experience for delegates
2 workshops in parallel/ 45min each per group 
13:00 – 13:45 | Lunch Break
13:45 – 17:30 | Hands on experience for delegates
4-5 workshops in parallel/ 45min each per group 
End of day 3

The programme may be subject to change.

General Information

Registration fees 
Regular feeGBP 750
Early registration fee (until April 15, 2024)GBP 650
Trainees/Residents, Research fellows, Nurses, Students
<40 years (ID proof required)*
GPB 550
Day TicketsGPB 250

*For the reduced registration (Trainees/Residents, Research fellows, Nurses, Students <40 years) please send a copy of your ID to Ms. Christine Lohmann at

Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
Please note that UK banks may charge high fees for international bank transfers. We therefore recommend payment by credit card.

Modification & Cancellation

All modifications or cancellations must be notified in writing (by mail, fax or e-mail) to Zurich Heart House. For each modification requested by the participant, GBP 15 will be charged for administrative costs. In case of cancellation up to April 31st, 2024, deposits will be refunded less 35% for administrative costs. After this date, no refund will be possible.


Royal Brompton Hospital
Fulham Road, London SW3 6NP, United Kingdom


Zurich Heart House, Foundation for Cardiovascular Research
Dr. Ruth Amstein
Christine Lohmann
Hottingerstrasse 14, CH-8032 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0) 44 250 40 95, Fax +41 (0) 44 250 40 90


The Postgraduate Course in Cardiometabolic Medicine will be submitted to the following
institution as accredited continuing education:

Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom


Under the Auspices of

In collaboration with